Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a very very Merry Christmas. Hope the day is full of laughter, love, gratitude, and a whole ton of cookies. Hugs, D, H and J

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pictures with Santa

I have to admit...I got myself looking picture presentable JUST in case J was afraid of Jolly ol St. Nick and I had to jump up on his lap too. But, surprisingly...or maybe not so surprisingly considering his very social personality, the monkey did great! Waiting in line was a little not so fun, but once it was our turn J walked right up to Santa and let me put him on his lap. He wouldn't smile, but I did snap a few cute pictures of him "babbling" to Santa. The apparently clueless guy behind the camera decided to snap these....the one where he's fussing is my favorite because it's that classic "get me off this guy's lap!" face. He wasn't crying though because he was afraid...he just wanted to touch the raindeer that he was woofing at! Also, do you love the arm placement in the second one? He looks like he's elbowing Santa! This age is SO MUCH FUN. I can not WAIT for Christmas morning!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Naughty or Nice?

I just love the expression on J's face in this picture....he's contemplating, slightly suspicious, and very mischievous! I'd love to know what goes on inside his noggin. J is growing up so fast and we barely have time to catch our breath! It's amazing to witness him learn new things every day. He is RUNNING around the house these days and has a fascination with all electronics - especially the cell phones and the computer. If I had to guess, his Christmas list would surely include ham, balloons, pears, blueberries, frozen peas, a kitty cat or dog, balls, Bert, guacamole, forks (the big people kind), running naked before baths, and anything that has lights and plays music (preferably at the same time). He would also like it if he were allowed to bang on the computer keyboard for as long as he'd like and if we'd let him stick his finger in the electrical sockets. We are so incredibly blessed...hope your holidays are full of blessings as well.