Friday, August 22, 2008

On the move...

Hi! We are busy packing and enjoying our last few days in good ol California. We are in that bittersweet stage...our hearts are aching as we say goodbye to so many wonderful parts of our life here, but we are also excited to get the move behind us and explore Ann Arbor. We leave on Monday - I am flying with the monkey, and D is driving the semi with my Dad. Our internet access is going away today though so this will be the last post until next week. Send us all your good moving prayers and keep in touch via phone. Hugs from all of us!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


The monkey's favorite bedtime story is 1,2,3 Count with Elmo and Me. Ernie and Elmo are throughout the book introducing various animals - the favorite in our house being the Six Golden Lions. J loves those lions. When we pulled the Ernie and Elmo stuffed toys out of storage he recognized them immediately and absolutely loves them. Here's a great video - lots of J's signature addictive laugh. He's so much fun!!


Really? Nimrod?

Me and my two front teeth

Greetings - Here's the adorable J, showing off his cute teeth! Man those puppies were worth the pain and suffering! Now he can eat all types of fun stuff....graham crackers being the overall favorite.
I sincerely hope you all are enjoying some free time and relaxation while we are not. It is absolute chaos here. Every time we move I swear it's going to be the last for awhile. Five moves in five years is no fun! Last year pregnant was really tough, but it's even harder to pack with a the monkey around. It seems like as soon as you get in the packing groove (meaning he's entertaining himself and you are done washing dishes, eating, etc.) he needs to eat, or take a nap, or just play with whatever you are trying to pack. So we've been trying to get work done in the evening after bedtime but the darn Olympics are on!!! It's way more fun to cheer Michael Phelps and the rest of the USA athletes on...and even more fun complaining about how young the Chinese 16 yr old (yeah right) gymnasts look! Our move is planned for the 25th of this month so postings will likely be scarce. I'll try to get a video on here though so you can see the little guy in action. Sending love - please send us some sanity back! xoxo

Monday, August 4, 2008


We are still alive!! It's been a hectic couple of weeks...but hey, what else is new? The monkey is doing great after a little rough patch last week. He had a few tough nights learning how to put himself back to sleep on his own, then Mommy had to play nurse and fix up some fat lips and a bloody tongue, then there was the 24hr bottle strike. But things are getting better and we are busy packing for our move to Michigan. Here are a couple of pictures from D's cell phone - one with Uncle Drew's red sunglasses and then the classic bike sleeper shot. Sending love and hugs to all....